Our chemists craft and perfect our industry leading Aromatic Extracts as natural alternatives to scent customer’ products without the use of “Fragrance” on your label.
Meeting the Fragrance Challenge Naturally
Until Carrubba began manufacturing aromatic extracts, scenting a product naturally without “fragrance” would mean settling for essential oils. Essential oils, by themselves, lack the sophistication needed to achieve exceptional olfactive performance. Aromatic extracts are the #1 way to scent your products naturally without them smelling too aromatherapeutic, medicinal, and earthy. Our aromatic extracts are available for botanicals with no essential oil form, thus giving you more options for scenting your products. Not only do our aromatic extracts smell great, but they also have a variety of therapeutic benefits.
Where We Stand
Our aromatic extract expertise and artisanship has made Carrubba an industry leader in Natural Aromatic Extracts. Our aromatics bring botanical positioning and aroma in a single ingredient. We supply to cosmetics, personal care, pharmaceutical and household industries all over the world, continuously adapting our recipes to cater to trends within consumer markets.